The only definite person I remember was a friend from work named Amos. Amos is the gentle giant type. He's a tall skinny black guy with a lot of tattoos. I guess that's not relevant, but he was there with me the whole time.
We were at the beach, near some warehouses at night. The only lights I really remember were street lights, and moonlight; besides that it was very dark and moody.
In the warehouse we met with a man who was propositioning us with a new drug. It was orange, granular, and kept in small bags[Orange in "dream terms" represents a stimulation of the senses, and is considered good; interesting side note] . There were tons of the baggys and they were kept in a locker. He gave me a small bag and a lady told me that when I used the drug I would be able to have an experience unlike anything I've ever had before. I would be able to have a vivid and lucid hallucination. This means I would have a bizarre experience, and have total control over everything that happens. It was going to be like a lucid dream, but a very real one, and the orange grain would put my body out like I was in a coma, but my brain would be free.
This excited me, so I took a grain out of my bag, and placed my bag in my locker for later use.
Amos and I went out to the docks and decided to eat our grains. Once I did I fell to the ground and began to have a dream inside my dream, but this time I had control. I remember having the overwhelming feeling that I could do anything I wanted! And do you know what I did with that power? Do you know what I did with my ABSOLUTE POWER!?!?!
I watched TV.
I literally could have have commanded the elements and slept with starlets, but I imagined being in a very comfortable chair, just watching TV. What a waste!
When I woke up from my dream inside a dream, I was very scared; I looked a little wasted and there were cops everywhere. They searched my locker and found my bag of orange grains. I was frightened and angry that it was taken away, but I was glad that they were only booking me on possession instead of distributing. That's all I remember.
Interpretation: Basically I've been given a gift or certain gifts and I do nothing but waste it away by watching TV or not being productive. If I don't use my gifts they'll be taken from me. A simple explanation for an elaborate dream, but if you think about it more, it makes sense.
Orange drug: My gift
Cops: take it away
I waste my gifts by wasting my time. It's time to change.