Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A scary dream!

Hey everyone, a quick update about my book. I'm in the final personal editing phase and it's going rather well. I'm excited to be done soon!

Moving on! I had a normal nightmare last night; I'm not use to having them. My nightmares nowadays have been weird, like I have to go back on a mission or something. Last night's was totally different, and it played out more like a creepy horror movie:

So, I was walking in a post apocalyptic wasteland by myself and I came upon what looked like a bombed out bath house. There were a lot of shower rooms and in the building and some of it's hallways seemed endless. President Uchtdorf was trying to take a shower in one on the rooms and I was just trying to help him get a door on a hinge so he could have some privacy because these three inbred looking guys were creeping around. President Uchtdorf, just got frustrated and told me to leave, because if I left, he'd have his privacy. It made sense, but I was upset that he yelled at me. So I just wandered around with a towel wrapped around me, looking for a place to shower privately.

The inbred three were everywhere I went. One time they were throwing rubber balls against the walls, other times they were walking on the columns where portions of the ceiling had caved in. I remembered talking to one of the three, and he was saying nothing that I should have fretted about, but I really couldn't understand him. They were just teenagers really, and I really shouldn't have been threatened by them, but they seemed to be everywhere, and they seemed to be following me.

I finally felt like I was alone and I found an empty shower room. A naked old man had recommended this room specifically to me. I seemed happy and I began to shower. On the other half of the room, the wall was caved-in, and there was a dresser that seemed to have fallen from the roof. It was saturated with water and seemed to have been there for days. Then I heard a laugh, and I saw the inbred three, watching me from behind the dresser. I asked them what exactly they were doing? They didn't answer again, just smiled, so I left the room, and they didn't follow me out.

I found a personal stall down the hallway, in a darker corner of the bathhouse. It was really strange because I had to climb down into it. It was tight and box shaped; I remember feeling claustrophobic, but this seemed like the only place I could possibly be alone. The shower head was on the floor of the normal bath house, and I could reach it with my hand easily, but I was down inside the floor. I turned on the water, and took a shower for a few minutes when I realized that the water wasn't draining properly. The water was coming up above my ankles and then my waist, but I wasn't afraid at all. I figured that when the water got high enough, I could swim out and be safe. The water was at my shoulders now, and I decided it was probably a good time to get out.

Then suddenly, a hand reached out from the dark rim above my head and grabbed my hair and I began to freak out! I looked up and saw the inbred boy with his hand on my head holding me down under the water! I struggled for a while, but then I woke up.

I was glad when I woke up and it was only a dream. Usually when I have dreams, I go to the same places over and over. The bath house was new, and I don't think I'd like to go back anytime soon.

Other than that life is good. I'm working on making some healthy changes; improving my life in spiritual and temporal ways. I'm already seeing benefits. This nightmare was just a fluke and I don't think it means anything... but now I think I'll read President Uchtdorf's article from this month's Ensign and see if there is a message in it for me. Who knows maybe there was a reason why he was in my dream. There's probably no reason why he should have been naked, but maybe maybe he stood out in my mind, so that I'd read the article.


  1. I can see why that would be a nightmare but as an outside reader it is humorous until the whole holding your head down part. Are you sure those 3 guys weren't a representation of your roommates? No privacy, idiots, laughing etc etc. Just a thought!

  2. Maybe... now I'm really paranoid and wont be able to sleep.
